What is the difference between PsycINFO and PsycARTICLES?


PsycINFO is a database that provides abstracts and citations of journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, and technical reports for psychology and related disciplines from over 2500 journals, to the research literature in the behavioral sciences and mental health. PsycINFO provides the indexing for more than 2500 journals, most of which are peer-reviewed. 

Although Commonwealth University Libraries provide linked full text to PsycInfo citations, not all article and book citations in PsychInfo are full-text. Please use the "Check for Full Text" option for finding out if CU Libraries links to the full-text elsewhere. If you cannot locate the full text of an item, use the "Get it through Interlibrary Loan" option to have that article, etc. delivered to you.

PsycArticles is a database that provides full text articles on current issues in psychology from more than 80 journals published by American Psychological Association and allied organizations, 1894 - present.


  • Last Updated Sep 27, 2023
  • Views 425
  • Answered By Courtney Paddick

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