Does CU offer a free plagiarism checker for students?



Lock Haven uses the plagiarism program, Turnitin.  It is available on D2L.

We  have had this question in the past, and the D2L people (who have the Turnititin program) say this:

1. If your professor has a D2L courseshell for you course, you can ask them if they have it "turned on", so that you can pre-check your paper.

2.  Our LHU D2L person has turned on a portal at the Turnitin web site (outside of the University webpages and outside  the LHU D2L course shell. 

A. So, the first step is to go to website

B. Once you are there, look for a "Create an Account" (scroll all the way up the page, and locate the "create an account/Login" link (top right) in the  gray header at the top of the webpage.

C.You will need the following class ID and Join Password to login:

Class ID: 12480098

Join Password: precheck

D. Once you get access to the "class" you will be able to submit, (and resubmit)  papers to the Pre-Check dropbox, and view your Similarity reports.

PLEASE NOTE: if your professor requires you to submit the final paper draft to D2L, then you need to login into D2L and submit your paper to the appropriate Dropbox there.



  • Last Updated Sep 19, 2023
  • Views 158
  • Answered By Courtney Paddick

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