What is non-juried research report?
This refers to any publication that is not a "Peer-reviewed" or "Juried" publication. The emphasis is on research, and researchers in the same area of study reviewing submissions for publication. I have rarely heard this term, but if you need information on this publication type, keep reading below:
Non-juried, or publications that are not peer-reviewed, may also be considered academic or scholarly publications. Journals (with titles such as Bulletin of..., Transactions of... Society of...) also have a review process. The standards, of these publications are similar to peer-review. These publications have an editor or board of editors who review the content for reliability, research quality, scholarly merit, contribution to a field of study, etc.
Scholarly journal publications and peer-reviewed scholarly journals are both considered sound and reliable research. Even when research is refuted, or challenged later, an article in these publications is part of the history of the field of research.