How do I get permission to use copyrighted material?


Sometimes the easiest way to use copyrighted materials legally is to ask the permission of the copyright owner, who may be the creator of the work, a publisher, or some other entity. Sometimes an industry licensing body acts on behalf of copyright owners to grant permissions. Look for the copyright symbol (C) at the beginning or end of a printed work, or on the title screen of a media production for information about the copyright owner. Note that sometimes the copyright owner will ask for a fee for the use of the material, so you have to decide if the benefit of acquiring the legal right to copy the work is worth the cost in money and time to get the authorization. The Columbia University Libraries page on obtaining copyright permissions is an excellent resource for more information about obtaining permissions, including sample permission letters.

  • Last Updated Feb 20, 2023
  • Views 40
  • Answered By Courtney Paddick

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